Papers in peer-reviewed journals
(*peer reviewed)

Kimbell, L. and Bailey, J. (2017). ‘Prototyping and the new spirit of policy-making'. Co-Design, 13, 3: 214-226*.
Selin, C., Kimbell, L, Ramirez, R. and Bhatti, R. (2015). Scenarios and design: Scoping the dialogue space. Futures, 74, 4–17*
Venturini, T., Ricci, D., Mauri, M., Kimbell, L. and Meunier, A. (2015). Designing Controversies and their Publics. Design Issues, 31(3): 74-87*

Kimbell, L. (2013) The Object Fights Back: An interview with Graham Harman, Design and Culture, 5(1): 103-117
Kimbell, L. (2012) Rethinking Design Thinking: Part 2, Design and Culture, 4(2):129-148*
Kimbell, L. (2011) Rethinking Design Thinking: Part 1, Design and Culture, 3(3): 285-306*
Kimbell, L. (2011) Designing for Service as One Way of Designing Services, International Journal of Design, 5(2): 41-52*
Kimbell, L. (2011) An Aesthetic Inquiry into Organizing Some Rats and Some PeopleTamara: Journal for Critical Organizational Inquiry, 9(3-4): 77-92*

Authored books

Kimbell, L. (2014). Service Innovation Handbook. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers. (3rd printing 2017)
Kimbell, L. (2002) Audit. London: Bookworks. View publisher’s website.


Julier, G. and Kimbell, L. (2015). Developing Participation in Social Design: Prototyping Projects, Programmes and Policies. University of Brighton. 82pp  Final report of AHRC commissioned ProtoPublics project.
Kimbell, L. (2015). Applying Design Approaches to Policy Making: Discovering Policy Lab. University of Brighton. 82pp. Report from AHRC  design research fellowship in Cabinet Office.
Armstrong, Leah, Jocelyn Bailey, Guy Julier, Lucy Kimbell (2014). Social Design Futures: HEI Research and the AHRC. University of Brighton and Victoria and Albert Museum. 84pp. Commissioned by AHRC.


Social Design Methods Menu. By Lucy Kimbell and Joe Julier. 2012. Published by Fieldstudio Ltd, London.

Selected conference keynotes, papers, panel discussions and seminars (*peer reviewed)


Transformative Policy, SPRU, Sussex University.

FTA Future In the Making, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Brussels. Presentation on design and futures higher education.


Anticipation Conference. London. Curated panel: Waiting for Trevor to Start.

From Transformation Design to Design for Translation. Relating Systems Thinking and Design Conference. AHO Oslo. Keynote.

Sula: Sustainability and Love for Arts. Helsinki, Finland.
Presentation and panel discussion.

AHRC Creative Economy Programme. Creative Clusters Briefing, London. Panel discussion.

Design research and policy. Panel discussion. Cabinet Office. Part of London Design Festival.

Oxford Futures Forum 2017. Co-convenor.


SPRU 50th Anniverary Conference. Sussex University. Panel discussion on policy innovation.

Kimbell, L. (2016). ‘Design in the Time of Policy Problems’. Design Research Society Conference, Brighton.
* (Published in proceedings)

Creating Living Knowledge. Connected Communities. London. Panel discussion.

Kimbell, L. (2016). Design for Services: Past moments and possible futures. L-DOC doctoral consortium keynote.

Carnegie Mellon School of Design. Design the Future series. Invited speaker.

Digging into Data Round Three Conference. Glasgow. Keynote.


Beyond the Digital Humanities. Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities ( School for Advanced Study, University of London. Keynote.

Communicating Insights. The Council for Higher Education in Art & Design (CHEAD) annual conference. Brighton. Keynote.

Designing Critical Messages Conference. Plymouth. Keynote.

Protopublics. AHRC commissioned project.


Oxford Futures Forum (co-convenor and curator), Said Business School, Oxford.
Yasser Bhatti, Lucy Kimbell, Rafael Ramirez, and Cynthia Selin. (2013) Oxford Futures Forum 2014: Scoping the Dialogue Space. 

Kimbell, L. (2014). Some Futures for Art and Design Institutions. United Kingdom Arts and Design Institutions Association (ukadia) Conference. Keynote. Transcript and slides available here.

Mapping Social Design Research and Practice
. Project commissioned by the AHRC. Research blog.


Design Research Conference
, IIT, Chicago. (keynote).

New, S. and Kimbell, L. (2013) Chimps, Designers, Consultants and Empathy: A “Theory of Mind” for Service Design. Cambridge Academic Design Conference*. Published in proceedings.

Critiquing the North American Design PhD Symposium. School of Design,
Carnegie Mellon University (invited contributor).

Royal Society of Arts. Design and Society event with Alice Rawsthorn. (chair) (video)

Social Design Talks (co-curator)


Mindlab, Copenhagen. Designing services, designing business models (invited speaker).

Danish Design School. So much for all the (design) thinking (invited speaker).

Eindhoven Academy of Design, Design Debates Series (invited speaker).
Kimbell, L. (2012) Design leadership.

Policy as Designed: MindLab. Panel member. Danish Embassy, London. London Design Festival.

Prototyping Care 4 Care. Social Design Talks. Victoria & Albert Museum. London Design Festival.

Critical Pathways in Design, Royal Anthropological Institute. Invited panel member.

University of the Arts DESIS Public and Collaborative Series, Central St Martins, London
Kimbell, L. (2012) Design's new publics. Video is here

TEDx Oxbridge, Cambridge (invited speaker)
Kimbell, L. (2012) Extreme refurb. Video is here

Social Design Talks (co-curator)


International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), Delft, (keynote)
Kimbell, L. (2011) Why service design is both more and less than it seems. Video is here

Service Design Performances Series, DESIS Lab, Parsons The New School of Design, New York (invited speaker)
Kimbell, L. (2011) Designing services, designing societies

The Animal Gaze Returned, London Met University
Kimbell, L. (2011) One night with rats in the serivce of art

Making Crafting Designing symposium, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart (invited speaker)
Kimbell, L. (2011) Designing future practices

The Story, Conway Hall, London (invited speaker)
Kimbell, L. (2011) Me and my data


Strategic Design and Public Policy. Glen Cove, NY. (co-organiser)
Conference report by Miller, D., Rudnick, L., Kimbell, L. and Philipsen, G.

Design Network Conference, Berlin (keynote speaker)
Kimbell, L. (2010) Service design at a crossroads (text) or video

European Association for the Study of Science and Technology conference*, Trento
Kimbell, L. (2010) One night with rats in the serivce of art

Design Management Institute European Conference, London (keynote speaker)
Kimbell, L. (2010) From user-centred design to designing for service.


Service Design Network Conference, Madeira
Kimbell, L. (2009) Service-dominant logic and design for service*. Published in Touchpoint, issue 3.

Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC)*, Manchester
Kimbell, L. (2009) Design-as-practice and designs-in-practice
European Academy of Management*, Liverpool
Kimbell, L. (2009) Design practices in design thinking.
8th European Academy of Design*, Aberdeen
Kimbell, L. (2009) Insights from service design practice. Published in proceedings.


Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference, Copenhagen (keynote)
Kimbell, L. (2008) Reassembling the visual. Published in proceedings.

EIASM Imagining Business workshop*, Oxford


International Design Principles and Practices*, London
European Group for Organisation Studies*, Vienna


European Academy of Management*, Aberdeen.
New, S. and Kimbell, L. (2006). On the invisibility and anonymity of process design. Published in proceedings.

Wonderground. Design Research Society Conference*, Lisbon, 2006

Book chapters (*peer reviewed)

Kimbell, L. (2018). ‘Designing policy objects: Anti-heroic design’. In Fisher, T. and Gamman, L. (eds). Tricky Design: The ethics of things. Bloomsbury.

Kimbell, L. and Blomberg, J. (2017). 'The object of service design'. In Sangiorgi, D. and Prendiville, A. (eds). Service Design Research. Bloomsbury.*

Kimbell, L. (2014). 'Do-able and at human scale'. In Denny and Sutherland (eds). The Handbook of Anthropology in Business. Left Coast Press. 186-201.*

Kimbell, L. (2014), 'One of my top 10 days'. In Thrift, N., Tickell, A., Woolgar, S. and Rupp, W. (eds.) Globalization in Practice. OUP.

Kimbell, L. (2013). 'We do this already, don't we?' in Polaine, A., Løvlie, L. and Reason, B. Service Design. Rosenfeld Media.

Kimbell, L. (2011), '
Manifesto for the M(B)A in Designing Better Futures' in Cooper, R. Junginger, S. and Lockwood, T. (eds) The Handbook of Design Management, Oxford: Berg.

Kimbell, L. (2011), '
From novelty to routine: Services in science and technology-based Enterprises' in Meroni, A. and Sangiorgi, D. (eds), Design for Services, Gower Publishing.

Kimbell, L. (2010) 'Services Marketing' in Stickdorn, M. (ed) This is Service Design Thinking. BIS Publishers.

Kimbell, L. (2010) 'Designing for Services in Science and Technology-based Enterprises' in Inns, T. Designing for the 21st Century: Volume 2: Interdisciplinary Methods and Findings, Ashgate Publishing.

Kimbell, L. (2009) '
The Turn to Service Design' in Julier, G. and Moor, L., (eds) Design and Creativity: Policy, Management and Practice, Oxford: Berg.

Kimbell,  L. (2005), '
If networked art is the answer what is the question?' in Corby, T.(ed) Network Art, Routledge.

Barry, A. and Kimbell, L. (2005) '
Pindices' in Latour, B. and Weibel, P. (eds) Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, Cambridge: MIT Press.

Reviews, catalogues and other essays
Kimbell, L. (2013) Design Your Way to Better Public Services. Policy Network.
Blyth, S. and Kimbell, L. (2011)
Design Thinking and the Big Society. London: Actant and Taylor Haig.
Kimbell, L. (2009) Art and design practices as organisational R&D. le Libellio d’AEGIS. Hiver 2009-2010 Volume 5, numéro 4.
Kimbell, L. (2009)
Review: Exhibitions as experiments. Aesthesis 2(3).
Hodby, A., Kimbell, L. and Wakeford, N. (2008) Imagining Business catalogue introduction
Kimbell, L., Marres, N. and Wakeford, N. (2008) Conversation extract. Imagining Business catalogue.
Kimbell, L. and Julier, G. (2017) Co-Producing Social Futures Through Design Research. Output of ProtoPublics project commissioned by AHRC. Available on youtube. Dur 5:58
Kimbell, L. (2009)
Seven Minutes with Rats in the Service of Art. Available on vimeo. Dur 7:47.
Kimbell, L. (2008) What do service designers do? Available on vimeo. Dur 7:16.

Edited books/publications

Kimbell, L. and Seidel, Victor P. (2008) (eds) Designing for Services – Multidisciplinary Perspectives: Proceedings from the Exploratory Project on Designing for Services in Science and Technology-based Enterprises. Oxford: Saïd Business School.

Kimbell, L. (2004) (ed) New Media Art: Practice and Context in the UK 1994-2004. Arts Council England/Cornerhouse Publications.

2012. Interview by Steve Portigal. Expanding the visible and sayable.

Selected (mostly academic) publications
Peer reviewed journal papers
Authored books
Conference papers and keynotes by year
Book chapters
Reviews, catalogues and short essays