How can you make a difference today?
The starting point for this project is the often-uttered phrase “I want to make a difference”. It enabled people using a new building at the University of Plymouth to do so, by pressing a button mounted on a plaque in an atrium. Over two weeks, each time the button was pressed, the building was briefly full of the sound of voices declaring they wanted to make a difference. The more times it was pressed, the longer the duration of the audio piece and the more voices used. A website documented how often the button was pressed, shown against other key data such as the temperature in the building. On each button press, an email was sent to the Vice-Chancellor saying that someone wanted to make a difference.
Making a Difference at the University of Plymouth
Participative time-based installation
Commissioned by i-dat, a research group based at the University of Plymouth
More detailed documentation on the i-dat website here
The project was supported by an AHRC creative and performing arts fellowship at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford. Electronics by Erik Kearney. Web development by George Grinsted. Special thanks to Joasia Krysa and Geoff Cox.
View of Making a Difference plaque at the University of Plymouth, 2004